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VibysM, concert vibraphone

The VibysM is a 3 1/2 octaves Musser concert vibraphone. This is one of the best vibraphone models ever made.
It was played with soft mallets during the recording session to capture the maximum of dynamics and the softness of this instrument. The Vibraphone was very popular in the Jazz music of the 50's but somehow got used a lot less since then.
Today it is used more and more in popular music as well as modern jazz and even electronic music.

Default interface
This is the default interface of the plugin. You have access to a motor simulation, the vibraphones often have one, there is a spinning bar that is basically blocking the resonance tubes (all at the same time) and you can choose the rate and whether it's on or off. We wanted to add this in the library as it's very characteristic and some vibraphone players never play without it.We also added the capability of controling the depth of that vibrato which is not really possible on the real instrument, but it can be different on two different vibraphones. You also have access to the release and pedal volume as well as the sensitivity to adjust the library to your taste and feeling.
Sample player

We provide it for free with every library that you buy, you don't need to buy an expensive sampler to use our products. It works on Mac (10.6 or later) and PC (windows XP SP2 or later), in standalone or as a plugin (VST / AU / AAX / RTAS / MAS) and in 32 and 64 bits. You can find more info about it here. If you want to use our products in osx 10.5, please contact us, you will need UVI Workstation v2.1.8 and earlier versions of the UFS files.

Technical description


You will then be able to register it to your iLok account from our website on this page (you need to be logged in to access this page). The whole process is described in the FAQ (instructions + screencast).
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