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Cherry Audio Surrealistic MG-1 Plus
The Surrealistic MG-1 Plus offers traditional Moog sounds together with a unique divide-down organ section.
Moog bass! the MG-1 was built by Moog for Realistic (Radio Shack), featuring the features and architecture of a Moog Liberation and the sound of a Moog Rogue.
The MG-1 is a 2-VCO monophonic/polyphonic analog synth with a genuine 24dB/oct Moog filter. On the MG-1, the VCOs are referred to as 'Tone Generators'. It can produce sawtooth, square and pulse waveforms, and the oscillators are detunable and syncable. A simple ASR (attack, sustain, release) envelope called 'Contour' can be applied to both the amp and the filter. The LFO section provides triangle or square wave patterns as well as Sample-and-Hold. Additionally there is a simple Ring-Mod effect called 'Bell'.
Unique to the MG-1 is a slider on the far right side of the keyboard which controls the volume of a simple divide-down polyphonic organ sound.
Surrealistic MG-1 Plus Features
Ultra-accurate analog modeling
Dual oscillator monophonic plus polyphonic oscillator bank
Super fat 24db "ladder" filter
Over 130 presets
"Bell tone" ring modulation
Tempo syncable LFO
Expanded octave ranges
Multiple note priority modes including legato and retrigger
All controls MIDI assignable
Full DAW automation of all controls
Surrealistic MG-1 Plus is available in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats.
macOS Requirements: macOS 10.9 or above, 64-bit required. Quad-core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Windows Requirements: Windows 7 or above, 64-bit required. Quad-core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.