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Sonalksis Mastering Suite includes:
MultiLimit Multiband Mastering Limiter
MultiLimit is the absolute pinnacle in mastering limiting, a superior processor for the most demanding user. MultiLimit gives you precise control as you rebalance mix dynamics across the entire frequency range. The plug-in provides a flexible yet direct interface and an unsurpassed caliber of audio processing for mastering engineers, producers, and other industry professionals who cannot compromise quality and reliability in their work.
MultiLimit was developed as a direct contrast to existing multi-band limiters which aim to act transparently, but often completely destroy mix dynamics and cause listening fatigue. MultiLimit is a limiter with character, and when we say it can act transparently, we mean that it can maintain the dynamic 'punch' of your mixes, while increasing overall power.
MaxLimit Maximizing Matering Limiter
MaxLimit is a program maximising limiter for when you need to push your material a little further, but without destroying the dynamics. A unique 'smoothing' feature allows you to balance transparency with maximisation.
Brick-wall limiting is a ubiquitous process in the age of digital audio. Initially developed purely for practical purposes to prevent digital overload. It has in recent years been widely used for volume maximising purposes, to give the audio greater impact during the final mastering phase. This power maximisation process can however destroy the mix dynamic, creating a fatiguing sound.
This unique 'smoothing' feature in MaxLimit gives you the ability to define the density of maximisation, which gives the processor greater subtlety and flexibility than typical digital limiters. Using this feature, you can maximise the power of your mixes, while maintaining the dynamic 'punch'.
StereoTools Stereo Imaging Processor
StereoTools is a complete stereo imaging, metering and manipulation tool, providing detailed visual feedback of frequency, phase and positioning information. The plug-in has numerous display options which enable precision image monitoring and processing during the mastering stage.
One of the most neglected areas of stereo mastering, in terms of available products, is professional grade stereo imaging tools. StereoTools is a highly effective tool that encapsulates the complete range of standard stereo manipulation functions, including phase reversing, channel flipping, M/S decoding, balance, pan and width filtering.
The exhaustive set of features together with precise visual feedback ensure that every detail of the stereo field can be minutely analysed and if necessary, processed. StereoTools is the first choice for industry professionals and demanding users looking for total control of their stereo image.
Ultimate-D Ultimate Dithering
Ultimate-D is a new paradigm in re-quantization. It combines advanced digital resolution enhancement processing, with an innovative and totally unique interface that uses intuitive parameters. The Ultimate-D perceptibly increases the quality of the audio after re-quantization. It achieves this by applying a combination of proprietary dither and/or noise shaping algorithms which through our research we have determined are psychoacoustically optimal.
However the main difference between Ultimate-D and other re-quantisation processors is that the arcane dither types and esoteric noise shape curves are concealed behind an intuitive, simple interface that automatically determines the amount of dither, the type of dither, and the shaping of the noise depending on definable characteristics of the audio signal. In short, the Ultimate-D interface is the first dither plug-in designed for creative audio professionals, and not mathematicians!