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Sonalksis SV-517 Equalizer - Download License

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Sonalksis SV-517 Equalizer

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The Sonalksis SV-517 EQ is a seven band 'true analogue' equaliser. Choose from a variety of filter styles, modelling many classic and contemporary analogue responses. Whether you need to add some air to a vocal track, or sweeten an entire mix, the SV-517 EQ is massively flexible, making it suitable for both mixing and mastering environments.

The SV-517 EQ is not an 'esoteric' processor, rather it aspires to the highest quality ideals. As part of the 'SV' range of products from Sonalksis, it follows a design philosophy that aims to maintain traditional analogue processing qualities. Some of the filter circuits are attentively modelled from traditional analogue designs while others are completely new and unique offerings, but by bringing the technology into the digital domain you can simply select the style of filter most appropriate for your programme material.

The SV-517 is modelled on filter circuits where minimal distortion and maximum transparency are a priority. The main strength of this EQ is that the analogue modelling allows it to maintain a traditionally high quality clean but rounded sound, achieving transparency without sounding clinical, which can be a problem with 'digital' EQ's, which often resort to adding faux-distortion in the hope this will warm up the sound.

The SV-517 provides variable-slope high and low cut filters, with up to 24dB/oct cut-off, as well as 5 bands of parametric control with switchable low and high shelving sections. Additionally, you can choose from 3 styles of band-pass and 3 styles of shelving filter, each with a switchable asymmetrical cut/boost characteristic. In combination there are therefore 14 different styles of filter, across 7 filter bands. Each style of filter was carefully chosen for a particular sonic aesthetic. The filters are all minimum-phase just like traditional analogue designs, so you can achieve perfectly rounded high or low cuts free from subtle digital phase issues.

Main Features:

  • 7 filter bands; 2 variable slope filters and 4 parametric bands, of which 2 are switchable shelves

  • Sonalksis 'State-Space' circuit model for true analogue response

  • Multiple parametric equaliser types inclucing classic and contemporary models

  • Multiple styles of resonant shelf

  • 64bit floating point precision internal processing throughout

  • Support for sampling rates of up to 192 kHz

  • Ultra efficient processing, with specific optimisations for native processors

  • Glitchless transitions when switching bands in and out

  • Detailed graphical feedback display

  • Spectrum Analyzer