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Audio Master Suite Mac 2
New standards in waveform and spectral editing
Sound Forge™ Pro Mac and SpectraLayers™ Pro are the most advanced waveform and spectral editing applications available today. Each with its own unique genius, they work seamlessly together to form a colossal editing system that offers extraordinary and immediate gains for audio professionals everywhere. Engineered for smooth round-trip communication, these new editions invite you to channel the power of each in turn as your tasks demand. Whether your game is mixing, mastering, repair and restoration, sound design, forensics, or analysis, Sound Forge Pro Mac 2.5 and SpectraLayers Pro 3 provide a unified environment that will serve as your gateway to the highest plateau of creative audio design.
Sound Forge Pro Mac 2.5
Now with CD burning capability, the stand-alone Convrt Batch Processing Automation Tool, and our classic Wave Hammer compressor/limiter on board, Sound Forge Pro Mac has hit a highly anticipated benchmark. Seamless integration with SpectraLayers Pro 3 provides the finishing touch, delivering the ultimate in waveform and spectral editing program integration.

SpectraLayers Pro 3
SpectraLayers™ Pro 3 is the new standard. Color-coded layers, more selection tool options, and an easy copy and paste editing workflow are all supported under the hood by impressive performance enhancements. Immerse yourself in SpectraLayers Pro 3 for a dazzling audio editing experience that will open new horizons on every launch.
Convrt™ Batch Processing
Automation Tool
Convrt is a freestanding utility for mass file format conversions, plug-in signal and effects processing treatments, and file metadata attachments including art.

Includes 25 free Sony Sound Series: Production Music tracks
USD $498 value

The Production Music library, with its selection of 1,600+ commercial soundtracks, is the fastest and most hi-fi way to get the perfect music track on your project timeline—every time. Choose freely from throughout the entire library and download your fresh tracks either all at once or at your own leisure. Royalty-free music beds are available in popular genres including Ambient/Cinematic, Country, Electronica, Jazz, News, Pop, Rock, Urban, and World. Your Production Music tracks are waiting at the perfect intersection of waveform and spectral editing.

Nectar Elements® powered by iZotope®
The included Nectar Elements plug-in makes vocal treatment a snap. With 10 powerful processors working hard behind the scenes, Nectar Elements offers simple, intelligent controls that let you focus on your sound, not your setup.
Mastering and Repair Suite powered by iZotope®
Mastering and Repair suite is a set of six plug-ins powered by iZotope DSP technology. The effects include high quality algorithms for exceptional sound, as well as immersive interfaces with metering and graphical feedback to make mastering as quick and easy as possible. Also included is the iZotope 64-bit SRC™, utilizing a hybrid algorithm providing the highest quality and most customizable resampling available. iZotope's MBIT+™ dithering algorithm features psychoacoustic noise shaping, based on research with actual musical material, for the best possible results.
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