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With its simplified controls, intuitive interface, and powerful phase shift filters, InPhase LT is a one-stop creative tool that makes it easy to enhance, manipulate, and accentuate your tracks.
Gain controls the level of the signal going into the processing section.
Phase Invert flips the phase by 180 degrees.
Phase Shift Curve Window displays the phase shift curve across the frequency line.
Type sets the phase shift curve, and toggles between Off, Shelf and Bell.
Frequency selects the frequency at which the phase shift is 90° using the 1st order allpass filter, and 180° using the 2nd order allpass filter.
Q sets the width of the Bell (2nd order allpass filter).
Delay moves the signal up to 20 milliseconds in either direction. (Live components forward only.)
Output LED displays the peak signal output level.